MySQL vs MariaDB: Tables and DDL

By Evan Elias  |  Updated April 17, 2024

Although MySQL and MariaDB share a common ancestry, their functionality has diverged in subtle ways over the years. In this post, we’ll explore the differences in DDL and schema-related features of these two database servers, as well as operational concerns when performing schema changes.

If you’re currently planning a migration between these databases, you may find this list of differences to be surprisingly long and scary! But don’t worry, at the end of the post we’ll demonstrate an easy single-command solution for instantly testing cross-MySQL/MariaDB schema compatibility using Skeema and Docker.

Table functionality

In this section, we’ll review the major functionality differences in table definitions. Please note we’re mostly just considering InnoDB tables in this post. Users of other storage engines will face much greater compatibility differences, and likewise for heavy users of stored procedures and functions.

JSON column type

MySQL provides a native JSON column type which includes validation and binary storage. Internal fields in a JSON value can be indexed using virtual columns or functional indexes, and JSON arrays may be indexed using multi-valued indexes (including support for partial indexes, i.e. empty arrays are omitted from the index). MySQL provides numerous JSON functions, including shortcut arrow extraction operators.

In MariaDB, the JSON type is actually an alias for LONGTEXT with an automatic CHECK constraint calling JSON_VALID() to ensure validity. MariaDB provides a similar but slightly different list of JSON functions, and lacks the shortcut arrow operators. MariaDB does not support multi-valued indexes yet.

inet4, inet6, uuid column types

MariaDB provides convenience types for storing IPv4, IPv6, and UUID values in an efficient binary format, while still presenting human-readable textual versions to clients.

MySQL does not offer these types. The closest equivalent would be storing the values as appropriately-sized BINARY columns, and then adding an additional VIRTUAL column for the human-readable conversion, or perhaps using a view.

Numeric column types

Integer types in MySQL now omit/ignore display widths. For example, you’ll just see int instead of int(11). MariaDB still retains them. Display widths typically have no effect whatsoever and are a common cause of developer confusion, so we applaud their removal.

MariaDB permits decimal columns to store up to 38 digits after the decimal place. In MySQL, the limit is 30 digits.

Temporal column types

The timestamp type has various deficiencies which are identical in both MySQL and MariaDB. The only major compatibility item to pay attention to is the explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server variable, which prevents some nonstandard legacy behaviors of the first timestamp column per table. This variable defaults to ON since MySQL 8.0’s GA release back in 2018, but MariaDB only changed the default to ON in MariaDB 10.10+, over four years later. If you migrate from MariaDB 10.9 (or older) to MySQL 8, or vice versa, be sure to carefully consider the effect of this variable.

Spatial column types

MySQL and MariaDB both offer the same set of spatial column types, and implement spatial indexes using R-Trees. However, only MySQL offers extensive support for spatial reference systems. Spatial columns may be restricted to a specific SRS using MySQL 8’s SRID attribute, and the database server now requires this attribute for effective use of spatial indexes. MariaDB’s equivalent column attribute, REF_SYSTEM_ID, is not actually enforced or used in calculations; it is not even exposed in SHOW CREATE TABLE, which also means it is not present in output of mysqldump / mariadb-dump.


The list of available collations differs substantially between recent releases of MySQL and MariaDB. The default collation for each character set can differ as well, with one major example being the default collation for utf8mb4: in MySQL, it’s utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci (UCA 9.0.0, accent-insensitive, case-insensitive, no pad), whereas MariaDB currently still defaults to the older, problematic utf8mb4_general_ci (non-UCA-compliant, accent-insensitive, case-insensitive, pad space) which considers all supplementary characters to be equal in comparisons.

However, MariaDB 10.10 introduced new collations based on UCA 14.0.0, and MariaDB 11.2 added the character_set_collations server variable as a mechanism for overriding the server-wide default collation associated with any character set. MySQL does not yet offer any equivalent.


Both MySQL and MariaDB support traditional InnoDB compression (ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED) with no implementation differences. MariaDB briefly planned to deprecate this functionality, but reversed course after community feedback.

Both systems also support transparent page compression (“hole-punch”), albeit with different syntax and compression algorithm configurability. However, top experts have been highly critical of the production safety of this feature in general.

MariaDB also supports column-level compression. Standard MySQL does not support this feature at all, but Percona Server provides a more powerful implementation which optionally uses a pre-defined dictionary to achieve better compression ratios.

Although we’re largely just considering InnoDB for this post, we should mention that the MyRocks storage engine achieves better compression than any available solution in InnoDB. In theory, it can be used with any modern release of MySQL, MariaDB, or Percona Server. That said, you’ll have a much easier time using it with MariaDB or Percona Server. MyRocks is challenging to install in standard MySQL, and Oracle does not provide any technical support assistance for it.

Meanwhile, AWS Aurora users should note that Aurora does not support compression in any form, even in the most recent versions.

DEFAULT values

Both systems now support use of arbitrary expressions for column default values, rather than just requiring literal constants. However, the list of built-in functions differs a bit between MySQL and MariaDB, potentially affecting portability of default value expressions.

Oddly, some column types in MySQL cannot have literal default values, but they do permit expression default values. This means you can just wrap a literal default value in parentheses to “expressionize” it:

mysql> CREATE TABLE foo (
    ->     comments text DEFAULT 'hello world'
    -> );
ERROR 1101 (42000): BLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY or JSON column 'comments' can't have a default value

mysql> CREATE TABLE foo (
    ->     comments text DEFAULT ('hello world')
    -> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

Mercifully, MariaDB doesn’t require you to jump through this hoop.

Generated columns

MySQL allows generated columns to optionally have the NOT NULL attribute, and properly enforces this by preventing writes which would yield a NULL value for the generation expression. MariaDB doesn’t permit this syntax, but you can use a CHECK constraint to get the same effect.

MySQL supports functional indexes, allowing you to index arbitrary expression values directly. MariaDB doesn’t allow this, but you can index an invisible virtual column instead, which achieves the same result.

As mentioned above, the list of built-in functions differs between the two systems, which can be problematic during migrations for generated column definitions.

There are some operational differences in syntax for validating new or modified virtual columns; see the ALTER TABLE section below.

CHECK constraints

MySQL and MariaDB both support CHECK constraints, with only some minor differences in functionality.

In MySQL, the namespace for CHECK constraints is schema-wide, meaning each one must have a unique name within the schema. In MariaDB, they’re namespaced per table, so different tables may re-use the same constraint name.

In ALTER TABLE, MySQL offers dedicated DROP CHECK syntax for dropping a CHECK constraint. MariaDB overloads the existing DROP CONSTRAINT syntax for this purpose, which is also used for dropping FOREIGN KEY constraints. This is ill-conceived, since it’s possible for a FOREIGN KEY constraint and CHECK constraint to have the same name, and there’s no MariaDB syntax to indicate which one you want to drop!

MariaDB provides a funny-sounding server variable, check_constraint_checks, which can disable enforcement of all CHECK constraints, either globally or for the current session. MySQL does not provide this variable, but it does permit individual CHECK constraints to be disabled (NOT ENFORCED) or re-enabled (ENFORCED) via ALTER CHECK syntax in ALTER TABLE, which MariaDB lacks.

As mentioned previously, the list of built-in functions differs between MySQL and MariaDB, which can affect portability of CHECK constraint expressions.

Miscellaneous features

MySQL 5.7+ allows you to use general tablespaces to define fine-grained mappings between InnoDB tables and files on disk, such as allocating multiple tables to a single physical file. MariaDB lacks this feature.

MariaDB supports system-versioned tables, application time periods, and bitemporal tables. MySQL does not offer any equivalent functionality.

In addition to traditional auto_increment tables, MariaDB allows you to use separate sequence objects for more fine-grained control. MySQL doesn’t provide this feature.

Partitioned tables using the LIST or LIST COLUMNS partitioning methods can have a DEFAULT (catchall) partition in MariaDB, but not in MySQL.

Reserved words

MySQL and MariaDB have different lists of reserved words. If any of your identifier names (tables, columns, stored procedures, etc) conflict with a reserved word, you will need to backtick-quote them in all queries. When migrating from MariaDB, some particularly problematic MySQL-only reserved words include groups, stored, empty, last_value, lead, rank, and system. If migrating in the other direction, the list for MariaDB includes some names like offset, current_role, and general.

Skeema’s lint-reserved-word option can help identify these conflicts automatically, as our codebase maintains a mapping of reserved words by database flavor/version.

Portability comment syntax

MySQL and MariaDB each support special version-gated comment syntax for portability. SQL code wrapped in comments of the form /*!80000 ... */ will actually be processed normally by MySQL 8.0+, but are ignored by MariaDB; similarly, comments of the form /*M! ... */ are executed by MariaDB but ignored by MySQL.

This syntax can be especially helpful if you need to maintain schema definitions that are compatible with both systems, even for functionality with syntactic differences. As an example, consider this table definition, which uses an inet6 column type in MariaDB, but falls back to binary(16) for portability with MySQL:

	`ip_address` /*!80000 binary(16) */ /*M! inet6 */
mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE visits\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       Table: visits
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `visits` (
  `ip_address` binary(16) DEFAULT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       Table: visits
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `visits` (
  `ip_address` inet6 DEFAULT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci
1 row in set (0.000 sec)

Operational differences

Several differing pieces of functionality affect operational concerns – that is, the safe execution of schema changes.


Both systems support altering tables instantaneously using ALTER TABLE ... ALGORITHM=INSTANT for some common operations, such as adding or dropping a column. However, many other types of alterations don’t support instant DDL. In such cases, the older method of non-blocking “online DDL” is often available (ALTER TABLE ... ALGORITHM=INPLACE, LOCK=NONE), but this tends to be slow for large tables, which then causes massive replication lag due to the asynchronous nature of the binlog-based logical replication stream. Beginning with MariaDB 10.8, the binlog_alter_two_phase variable offers a clever solution, potentially making slow online alters operationally feasible even if replicas are present. However, to date there’s a complete lack of community blog posts about production experience with this feature.

Standard MySQL doesn’t provide a way to make a slow ALTER TABLE replication-friendly, but AWS Aurora (which is based on MySQL, not MariaDB) potentially offers a solution. Aurora clusters utilize physical replication at the storage layer, which doesn’t suffer from traditional logical replication lag. This can make slow online alters usable directly, as long as there are no traditional binlog replicas tailing your cluster.

MariaDB’s ALTER TABLE allows you to specify ALGORITHM=NOCOPY, which is stricter than ALGORITHM=INPLACE concerning prevention of several expensive edge cases which rebuild the clustered index. MySQL doesn’t provide this level of granularity.

Confusingly, the exact behavior of ALGORITHM=INPLACE differs between MariaDB and MySQL. In MariaDB, if this clause is used but the alter operation actually supports ALGORITHM=INSTANT, then INSTANT will be used instead. In contrast, for MySQL this clause indicates a specific requested algorithm, so use of this clause will always prevent an INSTANT alter. However, in both systems, use of ALGORITHM=INPLACE will error if the operation only supports the COPY algorithm rather than INPLACE or better.

In MariaDB 11.2+, you can perform non-disruptive schema changes using ALGORTIHM=COPY, LOCK=NONE in the vast majority of situations and with any storage engine. MySQL does not support this combination; concurrent DML is blocked when ALGORTIHM=COPY is explicitly specified.

MariaDB also provides a mechanism for interactively monitoring the progress of ALTER TABLE, which is a nice ease-of-use improvement.

When adding or modifying a virtual column, MySQL’s ALTER TABLE supports an optional WITH VALIDATION clause. This tells the server to confirm that the virtual column’s expression produces a valid result for every existing row, at the cost of slower alteration performance. MariaDB ties this behavior directly to the existing ALGORITHM=COPY syntax instead of providing a separate clause.


MySQL 8.0.27+ can build secondary indexes using multiple threads, improving ALTER TABLE performance quite substantially if your system has the spare resources to dedicate to this.

Both systems provide a way to mark an index as unusable for read queries, which is a good safety step prior to dropping a potentially-unused index. The syntax for this feature differs slightly though: MySQL calls this an INVISIBLE index, while MariaDB calls it an IGNORED index.


MySQL 8.0.23+ has fixed DROP TABLE system stall issues that would occur when the InnoDB buffer pool is very large. It does not appear that MariaDB has an equivalent fix.

Foreign key constraints

When running some types of DDL on a table, MySQL 8 obtains additional metadata locks on any other tables which have a parent or child foreign key constraint relationship with the table. This change is conceptually “correct”, but it can have severe operational consequences on heavy users of foreign key constraints. If there are long-running SELECT queries running among any of these parent/child tables, the DDL’s attempt to obtain metadata locks will be blocked – and since DDL is higher priority than other metadata locks, this in turn will block any new incoming queries on these tables, even simple reads. Typically this manifests as a major query pile-up which lasts until the long-running SELECTs all complete, followed by the DDL completion.

Triggers, procs, funcs

MariaDB allows you to atomically modify an existing trigger using CREATE OR REPLACE. MySQL doesn’t provide this syntax, which means if you need to adjust an existing trigger, you must carefully lock the table, drop the old trigger, re-create it with the new definition, and then unlock the table. Otherwise, there’s a split second where the trigger does not exist, and data might be written during that time. Skeema actually performs this locking automatically to prevent this problem for MySQL users, but other competing tools do not.

Similarly, MariaDB provides CREATE OR REPLACE syntax for stored procedures and functions as well. MySQL doesn’t offer this – and unlike with triggers, there’s no good workaround, since routines cannot be locked.

Schema metadata

Database servers expose metadata in various ways, such as information_schema tables and SHOW queries. Minor divergences between MySQL and MariaDB can impact development tools, monitoring systems, and especially schema management systems. Skeema contains extremely detailed logic to account for these differences when introspecting your schemas and applying schema changes, as well as safety mechanisms to ensure correctness.

Many obvious differences can be found in the contents of information_schema – some of these tables only exist in MySQL or only in MariaDB. Some others exist in both, albeit with slightly different column lists, such as information_schema.check_constraints. But there are also much more subtle metadata discrepancies, especially since MySQL 8 completely replaced the internal data dictionary implementation used in prior releases.

MySQL 8 also introduced caching logic for table statistics in information_schema, controlled by the information_schema_stats_expiry variable. To avoid seeing stale data, sessions must override this variable, setting it to 0 to disable the cache entirely. (Skeema does this automatically for its MySQL 8 connections, in order to see up-to-date values for auto_increment counters.)

Finally, excessive emoji users should take note of metadata issues with 4-byte characters in table definitions, such as in column default value expressions, generated column expressions, or check contraint clauses. All versions of MySQL and MariaDB fail to represent 4-byte characters properly in information_schema. Unfortunately, MariaDB mangles these characters in SHOW CREATE TABLE as well, so there’s no way to correctly dump definitions of tables using these characters. However, SHOW CREATE TABLE will return them properly in MySQL, providing a workaround used by Skeema.

Compatibility check one-liner

If you’re considering a migration from MariaDB to MySQL (or vice versa), identifying your schema incompatibilities is a great first step in planning and estimating the effort. Using Skeema’s built-in Docker integration, we have an easy single-command solution to test your schema’s compatibility between the two systems. This can be used either as a one-off action, or perhaps as part of a continuous integration (CI) test suite on every commit, to prevent future regressions. The latter is especially useful if your project needs to maintain long-term compatibility with both MySQL and MariaDB at the same time.

The only system prerequisites here are:

Assuming those are in place, let’s say you normally use MariaDB 10.6, and you want to test your schema’s compatibility with the latest MySQL 8. Simply cd to your schema repo and then run this command:

skeema lint --workspace=docker --docker-cleanup=destroy --flavor=mysql:8.0

This will do the following:

  • Download the Docker image for MySQL 8, if not already present on your system
  • Create a Docker container running a MySQL 8 database server
  • Run your schema repo’s CREATE statements in the containerized DB (workspace=docker), reporting any errors along the way
  • Introspect and lint all statements which succeeded, based on your configured linter options or Skeema’s defaults – for example lint-reserved-word will indicate whether any of your table/column/etc names conflict with MySQL 8’s reserved words
  • Halt the container and then delete it (docker-cleanup=destroy) to avoid taking up system resources

If you see no errors, your schema is in great shape compatibility-wise, for all CREATE statements supported by your edition of Skeema!

Need advice or hands-on assistance with a particularly tricky migration project? In addition to developing Skeema, we provide expert consulting services for MySQL and MariaDB. Reach out to learn more.