Docs: Installation: Community CLI

Instructions vary by operating system and package manager:

If you’re upgrading from a previous Skeema CLI release, the steps are exactly the same as for fresh installation, unless otherwise noted below.

macOS - Homebrew

Homebrew is supported for Intel as well as Apple Silicon (ARM) Macs. It will automatically select the correct build for your CPU architecture.

brew install skeema/tap/skeema

Note that Homebrew uses a different command to upgrade an existing installation:

brew upgrade skeema/tap/skeema

macOS - no package manager

This example places skeema in /usr/local/bin, but you may use a different path if desired.

For Intel-based Macs:

curl -LO
tar -xzvf skeema_1.11.2_mac_amd64.tar.gz skeema
mv skeema /usr/local/bin/

For ARM-based Macs (Apple Silicon CPU, e.g. M1 or M2):

curl -LO
tar -xzvf skeema_1.11.2_mac_arm64.tar.gz skeema
mv skeema /usr/local/bin/

If you downloaded Skeema using a web browser (instead of curl), an additional step is needed for the Community edition of Skeema:

xattr -d /usr/local/bin/skeema

If your company security policies strictly require code-signed binaries, the premium CLI Mac builds are fully code-signed and notarized.

macOS - compile from source

Requires Golang v1.21+. By default this will place the binary in $GOPATH/bin/.

go install

Linux - DEB

This method can be used on Debian, Ubuntu, and related distributions. The example below is for Intel/AMD systems; for an ARM architecture, replace “amd64” with “arm64” in both lines.

Note that apt requires the ./ prefix on the deb filename to enable installing from a local file.

curl -LO
sudo apt install ./skeema_amd64.deb

Prefer to use a single apt-get command instead? All premium CLI subscriptions include access to our secure package management repo.

Linux - RPM

This method can be used on RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, Amazon Linux, SUSE, Mandriva, Oracle Linux, etc. The example below is for Intel/AMD systems; for an ARM architecture, replace “amd64” with “arm64” in both lines.

curl -LO
sudo rpm -Uvh skeema_amd64.rpm

Prefer to use a single yum, dnf, or zypper command instead? All premium CLI subscriptions include access to our secure package management repo.

Linux - APK

This method can be used on Alpine Linux, including use-cases in Alpine-based Docker containers or Dockerfiles. This assumes you already have curl (e.g. apk add curl). The example below is for Intel/AMD systems; for an ARM architecture, replace “amd64” with “arm64” in both lines.

curl -LO
apk add --allow-untrusted skeema_amd64.apk

Prefer to use a one-liner apk command instead? All premium CLI subscriptions include access to our secure package management repo.

Linux - no package manager

The example below is for Skeema v1.11.2 on Intel/AMD systems. To use another Skeema version or architecture, plug in a different URL from the releases page.

This example places skeema in /usr/local/bin, but you may use a different path if desired.

curl -LO
tar -xzvf skeema_1.11.2_linux_amd64.tar.gz skeema
sudo mv skeema /usr/local/bin/

Linux - compile from source

Requires Golang v1.21+. By default this will place the binary in $GOPATH/bin/.

go install


A native Windows build is not available for the Community edition of the Skeema CLI. However, the Linux build functions properly under WSL.

The Premium edition of the Skeema CLI includes a native Windows 10 port, which is code-signed.